Thursday 15 March 2012

The Dutchess

The Dutchess, a movie that made tears stream down my face. Oh how much Georgina (the duchess) had to sacrifice and suffer. The love of a mother can only be known by mothers themself. Mothers can sacrifice anything for their child, but can all children sacrifice anything for their mother? ...This movie shows how big a mothers love for her children is, how much women had to sacrifice in those days, how men treated the women both good and bad, how much love can make difference in life, how much sacrificing love hurts, that we have to stay strong and lift up our heads to live life as it is and much much more.    -jay xoxox

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Freedom must be infinite above the clouds

View of the rain when you are above the clouds. It's amazing subhanAllah ♥-Ayy