Saturday 5 May 2012

Heyy guys! check this out! its this really cool pen created somewhere somewhat part of the world and its very expensive outside. My bestie is selling it only for RM7. common and get yours now! No need to waste yr time changing pens, now u just have to click it! wooot woot~!

this amazing thing exists in 2 colours purple and yellow :) with 8 multicolours of yr choice to write.

Thursday 15 March 2012

The Dutchess

The Dutchess, a movie that made tears stream down my face. Oh how much Georgina (the duchess) had to sacrifice and suffer. The love of a mother can only be known by mothers themself. Mothers can sacrifice anything for their child, but can all children sacrifice anything for their mother? ...This movie shows how big a mothers love for her children is, how much women had to sacrifice in those days, how men treated the women both good and bad, how much love can make difference in life, how much sacrificing love hurts, that we have to stay strong and lift up our heads to live life as it is and much much more.    -jay xoxox

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Freedom must be infinite above the clouds

View of the rain when you are above the clouds. It's amazing subhanAllah ♥-Ayy

Sunday 26 February 2012

One night at the Surau

              On a wonderful night I went to the surau to listen to a talk. Thank goodness it was a funny ustaz giving a talk or else I would have fallen asleep hahaha. As I was there, I realised there is a different aura in the surau which makes me feel peaceful and calm. It makes me want to stay longer there. Some people come late and go back early but some come early and go back late hahahaha. 
              I learned so many things that night that i typed some notes in my hp and I would like to share it with all of you :) 

# The time where the Imam says the first "Allahu Akhbar" in the prayer is very valuable that nothing can compete it. Theres a story to this but its too long to type if u want to know it just let me know :) 

# Praying in jema'ah has its own benefits (banyak pahala dan fadhilatnya)

# W have to make solat our priority, it will guide us to disciple 

# Get ready for dooms day as it will come without warning

# Use the time that u have to do good deeds

# Ilmu tauhid is something that we bring with us all the time wherever we go. It shows us how great is god and how much mysteries that the earth is filled with.

# Knowledgeable people are the ones who are humble and simple.

# When will be able to fulfil our prayers like Sayidina Ali? *Sayidina Ali prays in full concentration and focus. There was once when he prayed and an arrow was aimed to his thigh and people around him pulled it out as fast as possible and he did not feel a thing.

# There is no such thing as stupid people, there are only lazy ones. 

# Man jad' da Wad' jad' da ... who gives effort will get it

# In Heaven, everybody is young :) Women turn into the age of 18 and the Men turn into the age of 33

# Rasulullah S.A.W. never spoke harshly, therefore be sweet :)

# Rasullullah S.A.W. has 4 characteristic's  
   -sidiq   - amanah     - fatanah    -tabligh

# Always have good intentions :) 

# Ask everything from Allah S.W.T. as he is the creator. 

# Malaikat / the Angels wont ask u how much money is in your bank account when u die. Money is not everything. No matter how rich or how poor you are, you will still end up 6 feet under. 

# Money is worth nothing in the hereafter life, only your knowledge and good deeds are appreciated.

# Change your money to charity. Change your Energy to Good deeds. And this will become your stock in the life of forever. 

# Stop sleeping so much as it is only a temptation. 

# The best way to do charity is to not let anyone know, try to hide it. No matter how much or how little you give, its the thought and intention that counts.

# Everything happens for a reason, 
   Everything is there for a reason, 
   No matter how small or how BIG something is,
   Everything in life has its contributions. 

Hope you have gained something from these notes. Have a blessed day :) Assalamualaikum .

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Or is it..

Why is it we always fall for our best friends? Is it because we know we can trust them? Is it because we know them so well? Is it because of the way they know exactly whats going on in our heads? Or is it because they are there any day, anytime, anywhere without the promise of kisses, intimate touches or whispered sentiments of love? I think we love them because they are there when there is nothing in it for them except for that little glimmer of hope that maybe someday there will be. 
-Ayy xoxo

Tuesday 3 January 2012



Seriously?!YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! haha. Hey,guess what? ITS MY SENIOR YEAR! :D theres some stuff that i like and dislike bout school gonna open,which is TOMORROW-LA DEI! 


1) gonna meet my besties.
2) gonna be crazy with my friends in class.
3) surely get drunk after recess,and mess up with peeps xD
4) gonna do my silly dance
5) share foods ;D
6) eating in class
7) sleeping in class *oh wait,cant do this frequently :p*
8) get the chance to meet, DAUZKHAN everyday :D
9) buying junk foods! :p


1) gonna meet those biatches and douche bags.
2) teacher will rearrange our seats,and officially i'll be seperate with my besties,but we'll get back together later,lol. hopefully he/she wont rearrange it :) BENICEPLEASE.
3) recess only 20mins,SO NOT ENOUGH! give us 30-40mins? :p
4) some assholes will start to mess up with me. *think he/she hot/handsome enough. boleh jalan-la masuk toilet bowl! LOL*
5) cant bring food/drinks to class,but who cares,JUSTBRING'EMUP! :P
6) teacher always look at me,so that they can caught me eating in class,LMAO. loser.

So I guess thats all that I like&&dislike bout school. MYFEELINGS? well um, happy,excited,sad&&lazyass ? LMAO.


peace out,iqah xoxo

happy new year,2012(:

Another day, another month, another year.
Another smile, another tear, another winter.
A summer too, But there will never be another you!
Wishing a very HAPPY && BLESSED 
New Year to everybody! :D

With the clock striking 12 o'clock on the 31st December you start expressing your joy and happiness to welcome New Year. You convey New Year wishes not only to your loved ones but to every person to meet on this eve.New year is the time to forget every bad memory of the past year and start your life afresh ;) So, get your ass up and hug a friend with whom you had a fight lately, get your ass up and hug you parents and promise them you will not hurt them anymore, give a self hug and promise to yourself that come what may you would remain truthful to yourself, hug a poor kid and tell her/him that she/he is not alone, help the needy and abolish the greedy from your life.Just forget all your grudges .Cheers to 2012!! 

happy new year guys -iqah- xoxo