Tuesday 6 December 2011


its holidayyyy!

well im sure when it comes to DECEMBER,all the students will be like yeayy! HOLIDAYS! haha. but some people,when it comes to december,the school holidays,they expect theyre gonna going out,but mehh,theyre not. such a sad one ayy. i know how it feels like CAUSE IM ONE OF 'EM :'( well,theres some plan but UNDECIDE :/ i hate last minute cancellation :/ okay,what i want for my school holidays is GO FOR A VACATION! do u know whats VACATION is?! go out to a place,a beautiful place so that we can relax our mind,afterall 10months working/studying like shit,haha. u get the BEST FEELING when u go for a vacation,to chill ur mind. go places something like this? *look down* IT'LL BE GREATTTT!

oh yeh baby thats what im talking boutttt! loook at the water,OHMAIGODDDDD! speechless man,haha. THIS IS WHAT I WANT!!

<3 iqah xx

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