Sunday 25 December 2011

Lifeeeee :)

I  cant say that i'm proud of my life, but I can say I'm proud that I've learned.

I've learned that I can't rely on everyone, but i can't expect everyone to hurt me. I know some things don't work out, but i know everything that has has been for the better.I can't guarantee i'll be able to walk around with a smile, but I know where I've been and where I'm going.I know who i am and who my friends are. I've had some tough stuff thrown at me, but I've gotten by. I'm not one to complain so i'll keep trying and in the end, I'll know I did my best.So yeah..
And then after a while, you learn that you don't need anyone else in order to survive. No one is ever going to always be there, no matter what they say or what they promise. You just gotta suck it up, accept it and keep moving on. xoxo :) -AYY

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