Wednesday 14 December 2011


Im sure you know whats relationships are. relationships between parents and their children, husbands and wives, friends, siblings, in-laws, employees and colleagues and others(: well there must be upside down in relationships. so,here..imma give u some tips on how to make relationships work ;)

Don`t try too hard to convince the other person of your love. Love and trust yourself more. This will relax your love defenses and enable you to give yourself totally to relationship ;)

 Don`t question the other person`s love all the time.


Feel the oneness of the universe.Step beyond the `me first` conflicts that mar relationships(LOL) This would help you be complete within yourself ;) BE YOURSELF,is the best!


#Don`t use your relationships to fulfill your expectations. DONT AND NEVER!

#Know yourself. Analyze the cause of your reactions. *OBVIOUSLY*

*well i guess thats it,haha. but most important in relationship,TRUST&&LOYALTY TO EACH trust each other,it'll be more easier the relationship will work(:


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