Thursday 17 November 2011

How we met: thelifeof3gdougie blogspot

THURSDAY,5.30PM,17/11/2011 <3

We never done this before,so we want to try it out,so we made one. so here it is. TADAAAAA! :D
as you can see,the life of 3g, 3girls right? but at the moment,the other one (aisya) is not around,so we're taking it over and we started first,MUAHAHAH! since its the first post in our blog,we would like to share how 3 of us met ;) it all begun in year 5.we were in different classes that time, but then somehow we met each other and STICK TOGETHER TILL N-O-W! (6YEARS! OMG!) if we were a guy and a girl,by this time,we would already be married and have lil kidsssss! <3 weeeeeeee :D so thats it for intro of ourselves in this blog..CIAO! TAKE CARE, LOVE YA'LL! <3 xx

<3 iqah and julia! (: peace no war! :P


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