Monday 21 November 2011

Perfect Imperfections!

Ayy (Aisya) finally i'm here...
Hola Readers! 
 As u can see the title, Let me tell you the Perfect and Imperfections about myself :)

  • My skin - i have uneven skin tone and acne it has really brought down my self confidence at times.
  • My size/weight - yeah, i am plus-size.
  • Body hair - having a mix of middle eastern blood,body hair is a normal thang but it aint cool man!
  • My eyes - they're big,brown plus i have super long eyelashes.
  • My height - I'm pretty tall! 5ft.8inch. It's funny coz i dont myself as tall, i see everyone else just really
  • My lips - full and not too 'plumpin' and not too small and
Above all, dont forget to LOVE YOURSELF AND WHO U ARE <3
The quest for human perfection is an impossible quest. There, I said it.“Perfection is unknowable”. No matter how hard we try to get it perfect, we will always have a little mess in the perfection. :)

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